
If a U.S. state could be a toddler throwing an epic, food-throwing tantrum it would be Pat McCrory’s North Carolina.

Today’s news means that it wasn’t good enough to just let DOJ’s deadline pass. No, Gov. Pat McCrory and his administration are the lead plaintiffs in a lawsuit that seeks to quash the Department of Justice’s challenge to House Bill 2—now infamous for curtailing N.C. municipalities freedom to issue non-discrimination orders, and limit bathroom usage to people whose gender corresponds to the one noted on their birth certificate.

No big deal though:

The Justice Department had set a deadline of Monday for McCrory to report whether he would refuse to enforce the law that took effect in March. McCrory’s defiance could risk funding for the state’s university system and lead to a protracted legal battle.

In CrankyYank Vol. 19, my most-recent edition, I talked about the confluence of religion and politics and how disgusting the whole thing is. From my post:
We can ask ‘What would Jesus think?’ but none of us actually know that, and our lawmakers shouldn’t make laws that guess the answer.
UPDATE 2: Attorney General Loretta Lynch addressed the HB2 issue after the governor did. I won’t be posting his clip because it’s worthless news-wise. This is how you do articulate, even-handed and compassionate:
Some related tweets on HB2:


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